Get the chance to be mentored by Ovidiu Vanghele by applying to the RatiuForum 2024 Journalism Mentorship Programme

Mentor Profile: Ovidiu Vanghele

Ovidiu Vanghele started his career in 2002 when, while studying journalism, at the end of his first university year, was hired by MEDIAFAX Agency. During his ten years in the press agency he gradually became interested in more detailed subjects, closer to investigative journalism. He then joined the Pro TV news team, but also contributed to the nertwork’s premium show România, te iubesc!

Less than a year later, he chose to leave mainstream media, founding the Center for Investigative Media, the entity he heads ever since. In the last seven years, Ovidiu Vanghele published several press investigations, most of which also became judiciary investigations.
In 2017, together with Vlad Stoicescu (, Ovidiu set up – and is now piloting – a journalism platform aimed to better understand the relationship between the Churches in Romania and state institutions, something that has never been under real public scrutiny for the last 30 years. Aside from investigative journalism, for the past four years Ovidiu has also been an associate professor at the University of Bucharest, teaching journalism students the art of crafting investigative stories
Get the chance to be mentored by Ovidiu Vanghele by applying to the 2024 Journalism

Mentorship Programme today:

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