Poland supports Moldova on the path to the West: A compendium of Polish aid for Moldova

For several years, Moldova has pursued a consistent pro-Western direction. Reforms are underway to address underdevelopment, facilitate European integration, and reduce the economy’s reliance on Russian influence. These measures are being taken in the face of challenges generated by the ongoing war in the neighborhood and attempts at internal destabilization by Russia. During this period, Poland has been involved in supporting Moldova’s transformation and reform in a variety of sectors. There has been a surge in Polish development assistance to Moldova, with a thriving Foundation for International Solidarity office in Chisinau, Polish advisors affiliated with the Moldovan government, and various development assistance projects underway. Moldova is also a significant investment area for Polish companies. Nearly 100 companies with Polish capital are active there, and Polish investments in 2021 alone were worth €11.5 million.

We invite you to read the „Compendium of Polish Aid for Moldova,” in which we would like to give a cross-sectional presentation of the aid provided to Moldova and Moldovan citizens by the Polish government, local governments, businesses, and NGOs. The examples of Polish aid cited are mainly from open sources, and when possible, we also give the value of the donated aid. Due to the wide range of assistance and often incomplete information about the support, the catalog cannot be complete. Polish activity in Moldova is multifaceted, ranging from development assistance to local governments to financial support in the face of dramatic increases in energy and gas prices resulting from Russian aggression against Ukraine. Polish services and public administration support their Moldovan counterparts in equipment and experience transfer.

This publication has been produced as part of the „Dla Mołdawii – Pentru Moldova” project, which aims to create a platform for Polish-Moldovan dialogue. The compendium is available in three languages: Polish, Romanian, and English.


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